
Southerners Returning to the Real Message of Christianity in Politics, Turning Some States Blue

Re: Washington Post article "A Balancing Act in the Upper South" (link immediately below)

This is great. Too many strong Christian Democrats have been portrayed by the big business backed Republicans as some kind of anti-Christian devils. I'm glad they are finding a way to break through the Republican noise machine. I can't believe they actually portrayed Jimmy Carter as less Christian than Ronald Reagan. And the good old Crusader Bush and his cabal are anything but true Christians. I think a lot of Christians are as tired as anybody of seeing their votes sold by the GOP to fat cats, big business and war mongers.

His parents were Truman Democrats, but [Xxxxx], 30, has been an ardent Republican since his teenage years, even naming his daughter Reagan. A few months ago, the disillusioned Sunday school teacher walked into Harpool's campaign office to talk about the war, rising education and energy costs, and Medicaid cuts by the GOP-majority legislature that had left poor people uninsured.

"I'm completely fed up with every last one of them," said [Xxxxx Xxxxxxx], a retiree and lifelong GOP voter, and now an active Democratic campaign volunteer. His list of grievances includes the war and prescription drug costs. "Republicans don't know anything about working-class survival," Higgins complained.

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