But in fact they are attacking the messenger.
Tony Perkins comes out as the most honest of the Christian leaders quoted by the Washington Post. He notes that the writer of a book being released Monday, by David Kuo, who was once 'deputy director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives' will be destroyed. Someone I know used to use Karl Rove's words a former Faith Based Charity chief's much milder outing of the political uses that the government program serves as tag line in forum posts. I'd repeat it here, but it's way too raunchy for a family oriented blog. (And I've forgotten the exact quote or at least how many time Rove used the "f" word.)
Perkins also says
"I have no misconceptions about how people in the Republican Party and the establishment view social conservatives. They are dismissive. I see how they prefer to work with fiscal conservatives," he said. "Having said that, I see it really as a marriage of convenience. We are not without significant gains by working with this administration."
Yeah, like billions of dollars worth of marriage of convenience.
And the Christian show that will be going on Sunday evening (as noted in the Washington Post article linked here) proves that the Christian conservatives are giving like kind campaign contributions back in their control of the flock with lies. Again they will be smearing gays with dishonest slime.
But this is pretty funny too. Remember how in November 2004 election the RNC talking points repeaters kept saying it was the Democrats' and liberals supposed jocular dismissal of evangelical Christians that cost them the election? This proves that most of the bad things Republicans and their parrots say about those who don't support them and Democratic candidates is something they have dredged up from what they do.
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