
RE: History of Foley Messages' Release Clarified by Players

This article jibes with a Mr. V's (of Atlanta) account of why he came out to the AP about his dealings with Foley.

The Pages knew that Foley was contacting ex-pages, but they didn't know how far the man would go to attempt to force a relationship on ex-pages that didn't want or weren't ready to play along with that kind of 'companionship'.

It might have been that the most mature of the former pages could handle such exchanges and may have used them to political advantage. A friend on the in with the Republican party is a friend on the in with the Republican party. Mr. Foley's position as a gay Republican gave him a certain vulnerability too. He needed people he could trust.

Unfortunately, Mr. Foley was was a predator not just gay. And when the former pages with the most condemning emails learned that he was pushing this behavior on other young people, and, obviously, the representative was showing signs that he was tone deaf to the fact that some young men found this attraction very offensive and humiliating, then they came out with their IM copies to show America that the Louisiana was not playing a political game. They must know what happens to people who hurt the Republican party by exposing the truth. I think it was darn brave of them to do so.

The hate and spittle thrown at the former pages who did come out is, as usual, overwhelming, obtuse and hate filled. Another time this type of right wing outcry happened at least one major news source hinted that the outcry was started and led by a friend of Karl Rove. I wouldn't put it past Ms Underestimated, the 'friend' who helped Oklahoman William Kerr 'out' one of the former pages (by teaching the guy how to pick up a Google cache apparently, to not have White House ties as well. Reading 'her' blog gives clear signs of paid operative. The hate filled attacks are just Coulter's style, too.

BTW MsUnderestimated is so in love with Ann Coulter, it made me wonder if.... I mean people should only be so adoring of themselves right? In this world self promotion is needed, and MsUnderestimated seems to be pretty in love with herself in all other ways.

And, guess who's picture MsUnderestimated has put up at her YouTube profile (from a video capture). Though the age doesn't match Ms. Coulter's real age it does jibe with the fact that, apparently, Ms Ann has been known to lie about that number (to lower it).

But back to Washington Post, the article shows that most of the pages that came forward were Republicans, as we can assume the ones that contacted the AP and the Los Angeles Times were as well (Click on the Foleygate "label" under "Make Your Own Pendragn Blog" for more on the subject here). Obviously, Foley is not a complete idiot. He thought by keeping his contacts within the GOP he would be protected. And he was until the extent of his predation was realized by some of his friends.

The Washington Post also shows why the timing of the exposure was forced more by circumstance than to get an "October Surprise".

Also a Chicago Tribune article shows that the House investigation seems to be focusing on the former House Clerk Jeff Trandahl who left his office after the latest emails from Foley to a former page surfaced last November.

The ChiTri also notes that John McCain is digging himself out of the Bushco urinal to call for a truly independent investigation of Foleygate and House leaders' actions. (But, of course said inquiry won't be completed until sometime after the election is over -- Oh wait. I can still smell the caca. Does that mean what I think it does? Yep, I stepped in it --fell for a Republican BS campaign -- again.) Let's vote the Republicans back in and the "independent inquiry" might be done sometime after Arnold Schwarzenegger's self investigation of his groping behaviors.

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