
Republicans claim that Inquiry Will Focus on What Went Wrong

Again we want to say this is the foxes talking about how they will somehow someday get around to investigating how they failed to protect the hen house last time.

Just like the investigation about whether the pre-war intelligence was coerced by the Bush administration which hasn't been completed at least 1.5 years after it was started.

But they don't care. Anything to get Americans to think that they are really going to actually investigate themselves.

Meanwhile if you check google you will see that the fat cat, big business and American Taxpayer financed massive right wing blogger corps started with the lie that the IMs were faked, but couldn't begin to prove that one. Sorry Karl... er I mean um Mr. Buckbeak. This time that dog don't hunt. So now they are going with the BS that the IM were coerced from Foley by prank playing pages.

(I guess they mean all of these IMs Foley sent all over the nation to explore sexual themes with former pages who were still underage too were coerced as well.)

Though it sounds like once again the right wing is trying a case in the court of public opinion as they are doing about the Valerie Plame exposure, in this case they only have to fool their base who aren't allowed to get real news from outside their little bubbles anyway and a few others and only until election day and after that your kids are theirs to do with what they will. I'm more worried about Iran that the House page scandal because I would never let my child page for a Republican under any circustances. But that draft for Iran will reach out and touch ever family. (And of course as we see how Bush's unpunished invasion of Iraq has increased the violence level in our nation , if Foleygate goes unpunished then it will be a free for all in adults sexually harassing our children and other adults getting away with not stopping the predation.)

Washington Post's "Inquiry To Look At House, Not Foley" is a pretty well reported and well balanced article. It mentions the attempt to get Freeh to investigate as if he were some kind of competent and balanced "Diogenese". Pelosi sure showed what she's made of in this case.

And apparently, the ethics panel is stuffed with Haster loyalists. Can the Speaker get any more slimy? Check out the rest of the article at the link above and see what I'm talking about.

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