
Lets Just Stop and Think about This "Prank"

This Mr.E guy from near San Diego. (The San Diego Tribune actually names another city about 30 miles from SD city center for Mr. E) but I refuse to name it or the guy. It just isn't cool whether you are a blogger or a mainstream news site.

Now we know that Foley started sending him raunchy emails when E. was 17 while the young man was in California where the age of sexual consent is 18.

The young man seems to be goal oriented and possibly of a stronger personality that many 17 year old kids.

He also had and has clear goals and that inlcuded being a rising star in the Republican party.

But, according to right wing idiots who follow every Rovian spittle that Drudge puts out, this ambitious young man with a rising escalator climb in the Republican party works for 4 years on a plan to destroy a Republican Congressman and then waits until after Foley is already outed by another younger teen (still underage) who does not want to be named, who tried to break off the relationship when it got to being scary and whose family is desperate to keep their privacy.

Yeah, that works out. Uh Huh. Set up a prank for 4 years to destroy a Congressman and yourself in your chosen goals.


We are seeing what happens to groups when they willfully seek ignorance. You have to wonder why they do so. Really. Do the right wing bloggers think that their ads will bring in more money? Have they tried liberal ads and liberal blogging and therefore are able to judge which really brings in more?

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