
Howard Kurtz, the Republican's Foleygate Champion

Keep in mind that Mark Foley was asking a 16-year-old kid for a picture, and that Bill Clinton's White House staff didn't know what he had been doing--and therefore couldn't cover up for him--whereas the House Republican leadership clearly got a number of warnings. Still, with Republicans taking a drubbing on the Foley mess in a new round of polls--Newsweek even has the Democrats getting higher marks on moral issues--this effort to paint the other side as hypocritical is only going to intensify.

Unfortunately Mr. Kurtz you forgot to mention that Monica Lewinsky was a 26 year old woman who without provocation showed her thong to the president the first time they met.

She also had quite a bit of experience with older men whether you believe she seduced them or not, starting with a high school teacher.

This is quite a bit different than a 16-17 year old kid. That is why we have age limits which are 18 in California where Foley contacted J. E. mostly.

And we do need to keep our eye on this because we have found that if we don't have the facts and reasoning out in the open in public debate then they are covered up or changed as they have been with the Valerie Plame exposure, and the investigation of who twisted the intelligence concerning Iraq. The Bush people and the GOP controlled Congress do justice, domestic and foreign policy, and civil rights administration according to what they can push news and analysis media and tax payer financed Internet operatives to convince Americans to accept in a weird amalgamation of party and state that would have made Stalin proud.

Democrats and Republicans alike professed to be appalled by Foley's efforts via the Internet to help male teens 'explore their sexuality.'

Well, duh. But then the editorial goes off and makes up ideas about this.

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